We all know the feeling: the evening comes, we are tired and we have difficulty concentrating; or after the all too big lunch (or any meal) and we can barely keep the head up- let alone have the crisp mind for mental activity.
Even worse this condition can be nearly permanent in some people!
To help with this “state of mind” we need to understand some basic physiology from an anthroposophic point of view first. These insights were given by Rudolf Steiner in a lecture on 3.22.1923.
During eating, the digestive process gets activated and the etheric, life forces in the intestines become stronger. Additionally, an etheric image is generated by the plant product that has just been consumed. (It is similar with eating animal foods.) However, whatever excess activity has been generated in the metabolism is usually neutralized within a day or so.
Very importantly, however, while this is going on in the lower organism a “negative” is also created automatically in the upper organism, in the brain.
That is the rule for regular edible plants. A poisonous plant though has an additional element in this configuration. The poison is of an “astral”, soul like nature, normally seen only in animals but not “appropriate” in herbs and thus of more significant consequence. When we consume such a plant a much stronger form results in the intestine and the form does not get cleared so rapidly. It lingers much longer. The same goes for the “negative” created in the brain. It remains there much longer also. It also adds an additional “astrality”, soul quality, and yes, awakeness in the mind.
If this process is repeated over and over, an overcoming of the “foggy” mind, an overcoming of the mere “vegging”, numb, out of focus feeling, is achieved.
The most characteristic plant that is helpful in this respect is Hyoscyamus niger- black henbane.
Hyoscyamus 6x taken several times a day, throughout a longer period of time is a great remedy in this respect. (The same in a slightly different way can be accomplished with Belladonna.)